Welcome to the new home of the Ebony Hypnodomme. Goddess Nicole.
Welcome to the new home of the ebony hypnodomme. I don’t have much to add here yet, as I took my time setting this blog up, but please know I’ve got more coming.
The ebony goddess mindfuck came about by way of experience, and that experience being my knack for getting inside peoples head, and weaving my influence.
I am excellent at what I do, and I enjoy it. My expertise is not limited to erotic hypnosis. I have many other tastes and pleasures. This is just me simply laying the groundwork for something wondrous.
What you need to know about me is that I am a “semi” infamous writer of erotica. (laughs) I am a muse who’s had a muse, and that muse brought me five years worth of delicious fictional content. In short, I like to write. But this blog will be mainly for the erotica I provide in ebony hypnodominatrix format.
If you’re curious as to who the woman behind the ebony goddess mindfuck is, hold on tight, I am going to show you, and share with you, and this is only the beginning. Keep an eye on my About Nicole page, and this blog.
Here’s what I need from you: Subscribe to the blog (it’s not going to look like this forever, bear with me), and become one of my favorites by following me on twitter, niteflirt, and avn stars. And then be patient with me, and let’s build my empire, together. I’ll be talkin to you.
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