Happy New Year! This year we’re entering into is an interesting one for many different reasons. Number one, things are a changing aren’t they? Not just for us, but also the world is a very different place than it was before covid. I however really want to talk about more things, more kinks, more fantasies, more opportunities. Yes of course I specialize in erotic hypnosis, and Ebony MILF fantasies, but there’s more….. so much more I want to offer YOU.
Chastity Training: A Kinder Gentler Ebony Mindfuck?
Don’t be ridiculous, I love being exactly the way I am, I simply want more playmates with similar interests and a desire to please me. So I would like to highlight different topics on a regular basis and see where things go. For this blog I want to talk about chastity specifically. I’ve had chastity pets in the past who – like myself – have many different interests. For 2025, I really want more chastity pets, and I’m currently taking applications for all those who are serious about it.
Chastity Play And A Hypnotic Keyholder
How would you feel if every time you spoke to me, you knew the key to your cock was dangling between my breasts? Now with chastity you have to get creative, because you can’t fuck, you can’t use your cock you can’t even stroke it without my permission. But me? I can use you any way I want. I can fuck you, I can mount you, I can ride your face and cum as many times as I please. You get the passion and frustration of knowing no matter how you please me, you are devoted and denied. Why that’s a mindfuck in and of itself, but nothing compares to the utterance of my voice, invoking your doom.
Ebony Goddess Nicole educates you on the Hypnotic Scorpio power that compels you to call me.
Long Or Short Term Chastity Training
The fantasy of being cock locked is very different from the reality of it. Part of that reality is that while many say they want chastity, they don’t all necessarily have the balls (pun intended) to follow through. So we can assess what’s best for you in session. I have also had real chastity pets, and hearing them beg is the sweetest sound, next to me telling them… NO.
Sex While In Chastity Is For Her Pleasure
Of course we can still have sex while you’re in chastity. By having sex I do mean I’ll be doing the fucking and you’ll be doing the bending. Pegging and face riding were made for chastity pets. So you know that someone is being satisfied, just not you mr. cock locked, well.. maybe but only with my ebony strapon. You’re my toy, and a good toy knows these things are facts.
Entertainment Is Your Job… Not Mine
To be clear, true Femdom is always going to be expensive. And if you’re locked by me I will keep you on your toes and give you plenty to think about while you’re locked in chastity. One of those things is being my personal entertainment. Your assignments will be variable and center around pleasing me always, and I am the center of your chastity universe.
Can You Pass Chastity Training Inspection?
Call me on Niteflirt and find out. While I do have an email for contact here, it will more than often get ignored unless you’ve paid for the privilege of emailing me. So you can send your love notes, texts, and tributes directly on Niteflirt, and get my attention there. Let’s make your servitude meaningful, my pleasure paramount, and discuss the terms of ownership. It is my sole wish, to make you mine, body mind and soul. Call me directly to start your chastity training 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732 I look forward to us chatting.
Sure, erotic hypnosis is your kink. The go to fetish when you need to escape and relinquish responsibility for your actions, but are you addicted, and how would you know? More importantly, how would you know you weren’t in fact programmed to be addicted to hypnosis? Well here we’re going to explore the signs that you are in fact addicted to hypnosis, and you have – in fact – been programmed to feed that addiction.
Read signs you’re addicted to hypnosis and call Ebony Goddess Nicole 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732
Signs You’re Addicted To Hypnosis
The umbrella under which I practice Femdom and Distance Domination, is a rather large one, and while I have many interests, my most popularly requested fetish, is erotic hypnosis. I have discussed in the past, whether or not erotic hypnosis is real, and the fact that your mind will make anything real given enough attention and energy to it. Think of the matrix: Anything that happens in the matrix becomes real. Sights, tastes, sounds, even death. If you die in the matrix, you die in real life. Think of dreams: Have you ever jumped and woken up because you were dreaming you were falling and it jerked you awake? Think of sex dreams: Have you ever had a dream about a sexual encounter and you came in real life? Note: Women can also have sleeping orgasms, wet dreams aren’t just for men. With that said, the first sign you’re addicted to hypnosis, is you sleep a lot, or more frequently than normal.
Are You Having Trouble Focusing On Reality?
Another sign you are addicted to hypnosis, is that you have trouble focusing on anything other than fantasizing about your next hypno session, or you spend a lot of time daydreaming and reminiscing about your last deep drop into subspace. Because subspace can be obtained many different ways, and people in subspace afterward will tell you they don’t remember everything that happened, they do however remember the feeling. The feeling is what keeps the hypnotic subject coming back.
Gooning Masturbation – The Hypnotic Intersection
Is it really all that surprising that many hypnosis enthusiasts, also dabble in gooning masturbation? Both involve dropping into a trance like state, with gooning the focus is edging to the point of entering an orgasmic trance, where you do not have an actual orgasm release, but you reach an orgasmic state that keeps you on a loop of the sensation you get when you’re about to cum, without cumming. With erotic hypnosis, the focus isn’t always orgasm, but for some the notion of being unable to control themselves, while someone takes advantage of them per say – is an arousing state to be in. So yet another sign that you’re addicted to hypnosis, is if you spend a lot of time gooning to porn, in between hypnotic indulgences.
Ebony Goddess Nicole Call me directly 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732
You Chase That First Hypnotic Trance Drop Like Your First Hit
We’re not promoted anything illicit here, just hypnosis, but the feeling you get is like a drug isn’t it? The good feeling you get is what you chase; you want to replicate it, you need it, you want it, you crave it. Even reading this blog post drops you into trance because you want it so badly. Remember: anything you want bad enough is made real by your mind, physically. It’s the trick to meditation, manifestation, and really, you’re the trick aren’t you? And hypno tricks love treats… don’t they? They say an addict can’t be around the substance they’re rehabbing from. Well what if your substance is hypnosis, and your trigger is the very thing you can’t escape? There’s your golden cookie, pumpkin. You’ve been programmed to be an addict.
Signs You’ve Been Programmed To Be Addicted To Hypnosis
What was your life like before your first hypnosis session, and what is your life like now? Has anything in your life changed drastically since you discovered erotic hypnosis? The really loopy mindfucked thing you need to understand, is that fetish and kink are gateways in and of themselves and those words are used interchangeably. Femdom is a gateway, so is BDSM, so is porn, so is gooning… so is hypnosis. And a gateway is a gateway, doesn’t matter which one you start with, what matters is how it makes you feel. Chances are if you had a really good hypnotist, they may have planted something so deep within you, you wouldn’t know you’d been subliminally compromised if it slapped you in the face. A perfect real life example of a trigger, is seeing an ice cream shop, and every time you see an ice cream shop, thinking about the girl who rubbed her clit on your nostrils, squirted in your face, and gave you a pussy mustache. Pretty graphic huh? Triggers are meant to invoke intense feelings.
What You Can Do If You Suspect You’ve Been Hypnotically Programmed
The first question to ask yourself is: Do you like the way being a hypno-slut feels? If the answer is yes, then you do nothing. You continue down the hypnosis rabbit hole same as before, you keep indulging your girlfriends pussy mustache hypno programming and getting an erection every time you see an ice cream shop. You keep gooning, you keep getting mindfucked. And your life goes on just as it has before. You dirty fucking slut. But what if the answer is no? Then you do what any normal healthy non-hypno junkied normie would do and you seek professional medical help. But we both know you don’t want to be a non-hypno normie. You want to be my bitch.
Hypnotic Training With Ebony Goddess Nicole
So now that you know the signs of hypnotic addiction, and that you’re my thrall, your next step to continue your training, is to call me. I am easiest to reach via Niteflirt 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732 I do have an email address, however if you expect a response from me there, you’d do very well to send a tribute first, because I ignore most of the “hi” “hey” “make me a (insert requested want here___)” because most are unserious inquiries and just want free attention they haven’t earned. Additional methods of gifting/tribute are below. I hope you’ve enjoyed this informative post, please do share it and feel free to leave a comment. Take care.
The year is 2059 and the gynarchy reigns. Men are required to pay women a dowry of no less than 2 million dollars if they wish to marry. The women lead these relationships, and there is no promise of marriage even with payment. In addition to the dowry, men are required to be skilled lovers, intelligent, emotionally adept, and well endowed.
Cuckolding Gynarchy – The Future Of Servitude
Any of the men that fail to meet the requirements are left to the lower ranks of society, the seedy run down areas filled with sissies and BBC cuckold fetishists that no self respecting member of the gynarch society would be caught dead in. The men who cannot pay for a wife, and are less than in any of the ways needed, have the option to serve as male slaves. The only other options for them, being low paying jobs and the companionship of each other.
Serve Ebony Goddess Nicole in a Cuckolding Gynarchy ruled by black women. 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732
The Cuckoldress Rules
Women being the ruling class can have, and get, whatever they desire. Wealth, travel, the finest accommodations, and as many lovers as they please. Which… yes, that means many of the wealthy “chosen” husbands, are cuckolded, and very often.
Cuckolding Gynarchy Isn’t Necessarily A Punishment
To say that men did this to themselves would be an understatement. Their schemes and plotting to control women all collapsed along with their loose grip on power. They learned what the consequences of their greed were, and paid the price. Of course the men who refused a Female Led society, were many of the basement dwelling, passport wielding embarrassments that often were seen in the past making fools of themselves.
A World Without Femdom Rule Would Quickly Perish
The truth is, that if men hope to be husbanded in the future, they’re going to have to eat crow and prostrate themselves before the one true god: Women. Without which they wouldn’t be here. Civilizations wouldn’t exist without women. No spawn would be born, without women. And since we have not advanced to farming test tube babies like the Matrix, if men want to exist, they will have to admit that they need us. And that keeping us happy and comfortable is essential to their survival as a species. Which leads us to distance domination and cuckolding.
Cuckolding Gynarchy Breeding Fantasies
In the future men would be held responsible for failure to reproduce, instead of women. Imagine an all male born version of the handmen’s tale. If a woman didn’t want to ruin her body in childbirth, she could find a consenting woman to be a surrogate… keyword: CONSENT… boys. And if the “male” is failing to produce, he’ll be demoted and denied pussy privileges. Women deserve to be satisfied and comfortable, and for some women that means having more than one lover, and if she wishes, more than one husband.
Cuckolding And Financial Domination Go Hand In Hand
Keep in mind that suitors will still have to cough up that dowry, making a cuckoldress very wealthy in fact. Because her lovers also must provide monetary support, for her comfort. So a cuckolding gynarchy is quite lucrative for the Dominant woman. The reality is that women don’t just deserve to have their sexual and financial needs met, it is our birthright. So what would the cuckolding gynarchy look like, for the Ebony MILF vixen?
Ebony Cuckolding And Female Led Relationships
In my world I like expensive quality lifestyle, and quality dick, and a quality tongue. And… quality everything really. So the cuckolding gynarchy for me, would look like having a lover on hand for when I’m horny, sometimes two or more when I’m feeling greedy, and if… and only if – I am in the mood for such, a handsome well groomed sub to clean up whatever messes I make. Where good sex is concerned, I like to get messy, and the more orgasms the better. Sex on a yacht, sex on a private jet, sex in a villa or the balcony of a suite. My life, well pampered, my rules. My husbands are welcome to come along if they are permitted by me.
Cucks And Fuck Toys For The Ebony MILF Femdom
The cuckolding gynarchy would be a bit of a harem, for me, as it should be. Now there was a time when polyamory and polyandry were common and nothing shameful, and I am very much pro-polyandry, women having multiple husbands. If they choose. I’m also pro-cuckolding. Not any of this silly male centered cuckold porny crap either.
Erotic Hypnosis Will Be Part Of Your Cuckold Phone Sex Training
My cuckold gynarchy would also include some sort of male sporting activities. Like cuckolds being required to serve both men and women orally, take dick regularly – my strapon or a real one – and be an avid creampie eating cum guzzling slut, for me. And plenty of Ebony Mindfuck Humiliation. So if that’s something that interests you, I invite you to call me on Niteflirt where we can discuss the terms of your cuckolding servitude, to me. Call me on Niteflirt directly 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732 for all your cuckold phone sex fantasy needs. Tributes on Niteflirt are highly encouraged.
Celebrate all things spooky with Locktober Halloween Chastity, being owned by Goddess Nicole 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732
As the title states, this blog is about Locktober Halloween Chastity Training. I want you to learn how to please Goddess Nicole this month, and quite frankly next month, as this month is almost over. Locktober is not lost on me though, and I realize I don’t discuss chastity as an essential part of Femdom nearly enough. So let’s dive into beginning your chastity journey now, and continuing well after Halloween.
Locktober Halloween Chastity And Mind Control
It’s pretty obvious unless you’re slow, what Locktober means for the submissive male, or male born as some trans women also partake in Locktober. Chastity is serious business, and having a keyholder is something you must take careful thought and consideration on. You probably don’t want to give your chastity key to just anybody. However I’m going to give you all the wonderful reasons you need to hand your keys over to me. Number one, I will make sure to keep you busy during your chastity training. So that you won’t have any thoughts of straying to the land of the weak minded beta, who can’t keep his hands off his dick.
Locktober Halloween Chastity And Mind Control
Being in chastity is the first step to learning discipline in all things; learning to take orders and follow directions, and learning how to please me. I’m only interested in doing Distance Domination and chastity training with serious individuals who are serious about serving me. Part of your chastity training with me will be erotic hypnosis. Since that’s pretty much my top niche, and if you ever spoke to me you’d know why – it’s important to note that subliminal programming can help instill positive reinforcements to keep you on course, and focused. Focused on me.
Distance Domination – Locktober Chastity Training
I want you to be the best little cock locked subby for me. You’re doing this for me, to please me, and serving me is a privilege. Therefore failure is not an option. I shouldn’t have to state the obvious – but if you’re broke I have no use for you. Sadly I do have to state the obvious, to discourage the broke bottom feeders from contacting me. Also, there is fantasy chastity and real chastity. Fantasy chastity is not a service to me, it’s your fantasy and when the call is over you go back to being and doing whatever and whoever you are. Real chastity means I own you, and you answer to me.
Chastity Training Assignments
What your training will entail depends on my availability and your capability. So where should you start? You can start your chastity training without having a cock cage, by buying my audios, making a playlist, and listening to my voice in your head to enhance your experience. I only offer distance Domination and virtual training at this time, and I would encourage you to consider virtual chastity training with me via the virtual world. You will need some level of competency regarding pc gaming, if you’re going to embark on virtual training.
Locktober Halloween Chastity And The Impending NOvember
November is my Ebony MILF birthday month – which you would know if you read the secret of the hypnotic Scorpio, and Scorpio season has already begun, so if you think this is something you’ll be interested in then we’ll need to have a chat beforehand. The best way to do that is by calling me on Niteflirt. Now as a quick note, please do not contact me outside of my associated payment platforms empty handed. I don’t care about you being broke or trying to save money, that’s a YOU problem and you will be expected to approach me properly if you want me to acknowledge your emails. I get a lot of emails, so payment ensures they get seen.
Responding To Emails Requires Payment
I will also remind you that the only people who complain about having to spend money to get a response, are the ones who don’t have any. Again… not my problem. This is a rule of mine put in place because basically… timewasters ruined it for you. So now everyone is required to pay me to get a response. I don’t see the point of me having to suffer tolerating this sort of behavior in the name of customer service. You can pay for your customer service if you want it so badly.
Lastly Pay For A Call On Niteflirt If You Want Conversation
And please be forthright and use your words. You can also text me on Niteflirt if you’re too shy to call. The Niteflirt number is 1-800-863-5478ext: 12191732 and Ebony Goddess Mindfuck is my tagline. I also make custom audios if you are interested in such. I do hope to hear from you so we can begin your chastity journey. Happy Locktober, and happy Halloween.
Don’t be afraid of BBC cuckolding. It’s your fate, and I’m your best teacher. 1-800-863-5478 ext: 13715282
Yeah, I’m aware white women fetishize black men, but they learned that shit from their bitchass counterparts. Oh I’m always choosing violence. In short I don’t have a problem with the fetish per say, because I know what “some” black men are like, and baby have at it. LOL But since we’re on the subject of BBC cuckolding, can I ask yall a question?
BBC Cuckolding – Is It Really That Hard To Ask For?
So listen I am fully cognizant of the BBC fetish overall, and the BBC Cuckolding kink, and how problematic it is. But like… are yall okay??? Because it seems like where black women are concerned yall are terrified to speak directly and ask for what you want, and insist on playing stupid games and winning stupid fucking prizes. Which is why I’m asking you: Is BBC or BBC Cuckolding really that hard to ask for? Because I know yall don’t play this silly game with white Dommes.
Why The Weirdo Act With Black Dommes?
So why is it then? Hmm? Speak up bois cuz I really wanna know. I meet two kinds of white male subs, the first are the ones who worship the ground I walk on, and the second are the weirdos who act like they failed communication in grade school. So how do I know yall don’t do this shit with white Dommes? Femdoms some of us, actually talk to each other. So we know who’s lying, who’s broke, and we see how yall behave when you think we don’t notice. But back to cuckolding.
BBC Cuckolding With Black Femdoms
You will never ever get a more rounded cuckold experience, than you will with a black woman who knows black men like the back of her hand, quite literally. I do get the allure of “white woman/black man” I understand more about this particular category of cuckolding, than you snow tortoises think I know. Your fascination with black men has a long rich history. White women’s fascination with black men also has a long rich history. On the flipside, keeping black women as bed wenches and the jealousy that ensued, also has a rich history. It’s why I won’t do raceplay unless you pay me 500.00 per minute, pay all my expenses for life and pay all my psychiatry bills. My wellbeing is expensive, so is that word you’re so obsessed with. You know you’re privilege doesn’t extend to blackness. Furthermore you know you’re inferior. But there is one more thing you might be unaware of.
Did White Men Cuckold Themselves?
The short answer is yes. And if you bought my new Ebony Mindfuck Cuckold Training audio, you know exactly what you did to yourself. Some of the richest, most popular celebrities (or formerly popular) can’t have regular sex with women. So what that means for non rich, non famous white men is… I think you know where this is going. If it’s any indicator, the reason you’re weak for BBC has everything to do with you. What does that have to do with anything, you ask? Oh honey… you know.
You Get Off On Humiliation
Or you wouldn’t be here. Now I’m going to tell you why being a BBC cuckold for a black woman is a huge level up. Or maybe I won’t tell you, maybe I’ll make you pay me to tell you, why you crave black women humiliating and cuckolding you. Think about what BDSM is. It’s a power exchange. If your real life is any indicator, you’re probably used to having power and influence, and are oblivious to what it’s like to be anything but a pink dicked white male.
Your Fascination Becomes Your Addiction
I enjoy dominating men regardless of ethnicity. But you white bois? For me dominating you is like reparations, and the ways that I own you motherfuckers, is quite hilarious to me, because you don’t even realize I’m doing it. You willingly hand over your money to me, all to suck some BBC and objectify your wives. I know my power, because I know your weakness.
Ebony Cuckoldress Vixen
I like white bois who worship black women, but I especially enjoy dog walking white cucks who are obsessed with BBC, because I know the road you’re going down. So let’s go back to the beginning of this blog: Why are you so scared to ask black women for BBC Cuckolding? I’m not going to take wild guesses. I want to hear it straight from you. I already know the answer.
BBC Cuckold Training On Niteflirt
I have a new listing Ebony HypnoDomme Goddess Nicole that’s me. I also have a few new audios available, so if you haven’t purchased my goody bags lately, now is a wonderful time to do so. If you would like to call me tonight 1-800-863-5478 ext: 13715282 That’s the number you dial or you can connect directly from online. So let’s run through this again, to ensure we understand each other: YOU NEED ME to teach you BBC Cuckolding. Bring your wife with you, I’d be happy to knock her screws loose while you watch. I know you like to watch. *kisses* Learn from the best, learn from the Ebony MILF.
Join Ebony MILF Nicole for an Ebony Goddess Threesome with her twin lovers.. who aren’t exactly twins.1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732
Well they weren’t actually twins, you see. The Ebony Goddess married a very wealthy older man. I know what you’re thinking, and no. He didn’t have a little dick. He was well endowed and treated her like a princess. This delicious man also knew the risk he was taking, marrying an Ebony MILF with luscious tits and ass, who had a thing for well endowed men, and good sex. At least he was relieved to have both money, and good dick. And then… there was his son, and his best friend.
Ebony Goddess Threesome – MILF And The Twins
The male in question, was a 20 something college student, and his best friend he’d grown up with, looked just like him. “Listen, don’t fuck my son okay?” the new husband laughed, Nicole shared his laughter. “Now why would you say that?” she asked, “let me guess, he’s a handsome, younger version of you with a large cock?” Her husband smirked, kissing her deeply and fondling her tits through her blouse, “I’ll let you be the judge.” That got her panties wet enough to get fucked on the kitchen counter. And several hours later, the twins arrived from college.
Ebony Goddess Threesome – A Handsome Double Temptation
Sure enough, they did favor each other, enough so that everyone would joke that they had to be twins, and that someone’s parents were lying. They both looked like Nicole’s new husband, minus about 25 years, and when she was introduced to the boys, Nicole could almost hear their dicks twitching. Like a flash, she could already envision herself, sandwiched between them both, taking their cocks and their hot loads. And that’s exactly what she envisioned when her husband fucked her later that night.
Call Goddess Nicole for your ebony ass licking ass worship fetish. 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732
An Older Woman Younger Man Dream Cum True
Of course the temptation would be tripled, now. Truth be told, his son was envious of his father’s pretty, curvy wife, and her presence got his BFF’s attention too. So much so, that sometimes both of them, at different times, would sneak peeks at the old man and his hot wife going at it. Neither of them had the experience of being seduced by an Ebony MILF before, and both of them were curious. But would that curiosity lead to inappropriate behavior?
Ebony Goddess Threesome – The True Test
Hubby had to leave on business for a week, and the boys would be home, with the BFF bouncing between visiting his own parents, and hanging out with Nicole’s new step-son. Now Nicole understood why her husband made sure she was well fucked before he left. The temptation was REAL. So real that neither Nicole nor her new step-son, knew if they could last a whole week without giving in to their desires.
Smutty Ebony MILF Threesome Erotica Cums At A Price
Don’t worry about my storytelling skills, I’m well versed in spinning a sloppy wet story. But I’m not going to just give away the juicy finale.. or is it a beginning? Now it is my understanding that Niteflirt just released a new subscription feature, and that has a lot of potential, but I am wondering: Would you like your own written erotica, audio erotica? Virtual video? The possibilities are endless. If you want custom content, you can buy that from me, on Niteflirt. If you only want my audio/videos, you know where to get that. And if you want to call me, Niteflirt Phone Sex would be the fastest and easiest way to reach me. Let me know what you think of the story. Yes, it can get raunchier, but like I said, I’m not about to give yall free wank material, so I’m pretty sure you know what you need to do. Hope to hear from you.
Distance Domination began for him, virtually. It was a crossover, somewhat. With the press of a button, just one click would alert Jacob that a car was on its way to fetch him and bring him to her. He knew the rules: Always yes. Didn’t matter where he was, or with whom he was with. When the red light on his collar came on, his location tracked, the car would be there in a matter of minutes.
Distance Domination – Trains, Flights, And Her Fancy
The alchemy began on the metaverse, and continued with a “what if?” Just as she could summon him online and he was instantly teleported, what if the same could be done to add a layer to their macrocosmic experience. His Goddess’ vivid imagination being the catalyst for the “what if” becoming, “what is.” Of course things were a bit slower in the world of the flesh. Which meant if he was summoned and she was halfway around the globe, he’d be on the next flight, the next train, with only time being their constraint. Everything is faster in the metaverse, but mouseclick teleports would not be a physical reality for several thousands of years, yet.
Time Owned Them, As She Owned Him
While his Goddess didn’t enjoy having to submit to time, she did enjoy having a very wealthy puppet on strings, any time she desired. When he finally knelt before her, he was never empty handed. And should the need arise and either of them were apart, the mouse clicks would do; the gifts sent would suffice; the cash and coin transfers would console. But once in her company, it was a ladies choice. Because the answer was always, yes.
Ebony Goddess Nicole – Black Mistress and virtual Femdom
Distance Domination – Remote Submission – Ignored By Satellite
He would kneel for hours at her feet. Camera pointed down at his naked frame. Some days she wouldn’t acknowledge him at all. Others she would order his performance to her delight. It didn’t matter what world they were in, he was happy to be at her feet. Until the time arrived that he would be so blessed to be used by her, and bent to her will.
Pain Is Pleasure, She Would Say
So much that when he wasn’t crying out from her inflictions, he would miss them and ached to be bound, teased, or whipped, by her. No one could compare. Her energy in the arena of exacting his control, was unmatched. And she always got her way. The welts, bruises, and reddened flesh on his thighs, he wore like kisses from her lips. It was never enough, he always wanted more. His insatiable lust to be her toy across oceans of data, surges of electricity, and miles of road and ocean, the reason he asked to be collared, and proved his devotion time and time again.
You Can Only Lead The Willing
If you’re unwilling to devote your life and purpose for breathing to such a woman; if you haven’t the mind or emotional fortitude to exist silently and do all she asks, my advice would be to leave her alone. She is an addiction you will long for, and there is no substance strong enough to ease the sting of rejection, should you be banished from her presence. A casual encounter will leave you longing for more, yet a woman such as Goddess is not a woman who can be bought or owned. It is she who will always own you.
What Is Femdom To A Powerful Woman?
If you ask her she will counter with a question: What is breathing without air? Breakfast without coffee? The flowers without the sun? It is a woman’s birthright to be in control. It is her right to Dominate and still be a feminine force to be reckoned with. And it is always her choice. In some way, men have always submitted to women. Even if they thought it was them that were the leaders, and in control. You cannot exist without Femdom.
Ebony Goddess Nicole Invites You To Explore Distance Domination
I hope you enjoyed the little story I wrote. I offer domination at a distance, via phone and text, and the metaverse known to some as SL. If you would like to session with me, I offer phone via the Niteflirt phone sex site. There are other options available if you’re attentive enough to read my blog information. If you’re interested in custom audios or videos from the virtual world please contact me via Niteflirt for payment. The audio version of this blog will be up soon. Have a wonderful rest of your day, or a very good night.
Ebony Goddess Nicole educates you on the Hypnotic Scorpio power that compels you to call me.
Scorpios are magically tethered, naturally. Moreso than other signs simply because of the symbolism behind that zodiac sign. Does it mean the others are not powerful? No. I’ve seen Leos, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Aries spiritually fuck shit up. These are all powerful signs, so why is Scorpio considered the most powerful sign in the zodiac? I might be biased, but I will do my best to be clear.
The Secret Of The Hypnotic Scorpio
Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac in the 11th month of the year. Unless you’re an October Scorpio that is. We still rule the first half of the month of November, just as Libra rules the first half of October before they hand over the reigns to the hellcats of the zodiac. I’m getting to the “why are scorpios so powerful” bit. Scorpio is bathed in feminine energy, rules the sex organs, reproduction, and is the sign of destruction and rebirth.
Many Scorpios go through three phases of their lives. 1. The “ignorant” phase. Gently put, less emotional regulation and a whole lotta fuck shit. 2. Wisened and self aware of our magic, the 2nd phase of the scorpion is more focused on their path and very quick to destroy their enemies as opposed to destroying themselves. 3. The enlightened reborn, like a phoenix rising from its ashes. We are the sign of transformation.
Scorpios have a gift for self reflection, self awareness and observation. Which makes us powerful when we have healed past that initial and secondary stage, and also extremely dangerous, if we decide to use our gifts for nefarious purposes. Most people are either terrified by us, or intrigued enough to step right into the spiders web. We’re also known to have hypnotic stares, which are intimidating to those with less resolve and weak constitutions. Which brings me to 11:11 on 11/11.
The 11th Hour Of The 11th Month – 11:11 on 11/11
I’m sure by now many of you have heard of angel numbers. While that information was based on “made up facts” there is some truth scientifically to the power of sequences of 11’s, and beyond science, yes, spiritually this number does have the power to realign your focus and reach your goals. Most people never really thought about 11:11 or 1:11 or 2:22 and so on, until they heard about angel numbers. I am not some religious fanatic, so I really don’t give a fuck what you believe, I do have a theory that the reason so called angel numbers work for people in terms of “intention” and the power of thought, is because it simply makes you aware of your thoughts and actions if you subscribe to such. I don’t have enough data on mathematical number sequences, however if you research far enough down the rabbit hole, you can find that most things in life do have scientific meanings. I will tell you that the spirit is very much real, and math is part of it.
Except I hated math growing up, and numbers make my eyes cross. So I have had to reintroduce myself to math and science as it applies to spirituality, because there are patterns and sequences everywhere in nature, even if you’re not a math wiz. Now what I’m about to tell you is based on my experiences, not on facts, these are my theories. You’re welcome to disagree with them and go on about your day. The reality is that individual experience for many – especially those of us on the African diaspora – is going to differ from person to person, and I don’t get in arguments with people on religious and spiritual practices because some things are outside of my knowledge base, so I stay in my lane.
Scorpio And 11/11 And 11:11
We are quite simply magical beings that adapt to any environment and have a strong self preservation drive. Similarly to Sagittarius – the luckiest sign in the zodiac – Scorpions have a knack for getting what we want, that is less about luck and more about the power of our will. You’ve heard of starseeds and indigos and crystals haven’t you? If not, short definition is enlightened beings that came to earth at specific times in this reality. To an atheist or some religious zealot everything I just said sounds like a crock of bullshit. And I suppose that’s fine. I’m simply telling you that there are those of us with gifts on this plane of existence that defy scientific explanation. And simply put: I always get what I want. Some things faster than others. *wink*
Scorpion Ebony Goddess Of Mindfuck
So yes, my birthday is this month, I don’t divulge that information to nosy melts for personal reasons. You may also notice that most Scorpios are on one end of the spectrum or another in terms of truth. We’re either excellent liars or we are fact checkers who know when someone is lying to us and will call you out on your bullshit. Sometimes we’re both. And then there is the hypnotic effect we naturally have on people. There’s a reason that people either love us or hate us. Yes I’m aware we can be absolute assholes, I own that shit. Pun intended. People usually hate us because we’re in that stage one scorpio phase, or because they know they can’t lie to us or use us. Oh… and if you ever meet a scorpio, you will never forget them, good or bad.
I have never understood jealousy. Neither when I’ve myself felt it, or when someone else directed that towards me, and I’m usually completely oblivious to someone’s jealousy until I am told such. It’s a very toxic, ugly emotion, yet there are times when we all feel it. Let me give you a word of advice: If jealousy rears its head, it is an energy of lack. Sit with yourself and heal that wound, should the feeling arise.
There is also a difference between the energies of jealousy and envy. While both are similar, one indicates fear that something can be taken away from you, the other is indicative of wanting what someone else has. Both are equally toxic.
Serving An Ebony Hypnotic Scorpio Goddess
Pretty straight forward: Don’t use any of that desire smuggling, implied language bullshit with us. We see right through it, and will ignore you until you use your grown up words. If you say something you better goddamn mean it. Back your words up with actions. I’ve been accused of being pretty hard assed when it comes to what I will and will not tolerate. If standing firm in my boundaries is being a hard ass, and refusing to kiss anyone’s ass or beg for attention is hard assed, then I’m THAT. I am whatever your perception filter in your reality, thinks or perceives me to be. So how you approach me will determine how you are treated by me.
The Intimidation Factor
Because of the above factor, I would like to remind the meek and the timid, that so long as you’re respectful you can talk to me, without getting your head bitten off praying mantis style. Furthermore once I get inside your head it’s already too late for you. I can only own the willing, you see. So if you imprint on me you will either honor me and know bliss, or you will never know a moment of peace for so long as you live. Most water signs are intense, but none so much as scorpio. Cancers are a very close relative and equally as crazy. (Laughter) Pisces also have that knack for either getting on your last nerve or inspiring the best in you. Take that any way you want.
The Sexual Scorpion Realm
Sexual energy reigns supreme for Scorpios, it’s where we thrive and why we make excellent sex workers and Dominants. My expectation of you is that you know how to show respect and follow MY rules or you go an talk to someone else who might coddle you and kiss your ass. There will be no coddling here.
Phone Sex And Hypnosis With The Ebony Goddess Of Mindfuck
We can talk about whatever you wanna talk about, within limits. No raceplay, no goddamn spade symbols or QoS trash – unless you are black – and adult play ONLY. Anyone is welcome to call me, LGBTQia, cis or trans, non binary, gender fluid. A reminder that I do cater to the sissy fetish, feminization and sissy training, gender bending and transformation, gooning mindfuck, hypnosis and many forms of Femdom mindfuck humiliation. If that triggers you or you find it offensive, that’s fine – MOVE AROUND. Don’t come in my house talking shit, if you haven’t educated yourself on BDSM and kink. I give 0 fucks about the opinions of ignorant 20 somethings still sucking on their mommas left titty.
Don’t Let These Silly Yt Bitches On Twitter Get You Fucked Up
So yes we can talk about you being a white BBC chasing sissy clown, but if you come over here waving around spade symbols and qos I will verbally knock your teeth out. And no… I don’t give a damn about white women chasing after black men, or black men chasing after white women. Yall go be happy together. There’s more than enough white men who want to be the black woman’s whore and serve the Ebony Femdom Elite.
Call Me On Black Mistresses
Speaking of BNWO and The Black Mistress Elite, you can call me on Madame Caramel‘s new phone sex site: Black-Mistresses. When I tell you there are a sea of beautiful and intelligent black women on that site, you better run, not walk, and call me.
Texting And Audio Content
If you are interested in my audio and virtual world content most or all of it is on Niteflirt phone sex. For all other platforms please check the links at the top of my blog. If you have a question that can be answered quickly, email me at nicole@ebonygoddessmindfuck.com I ignore timewasters, so learn how to open your fucking mouth and address me properly before you hit send. I’m on twitter @NicoleReneeKali so say hello. If you want to wish me happy birthday, call me on Niteflirt, send me a tribute or buy something from my wishlist.
Ebony Goddess Nicole talks about Ebony Mindfuck Humiliation, sissies, and other taboo phone sex fetishes. 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732
I think it’s time we had a little discussion about what services I offer outside of erotic hypnosis. Mainly Ebony Mindfuck Humiliation. I do advertise being an Ebony MILF Mistress because I am one. But I have a very broad range of interests that will spin most of you right out your clogs. One being extreme humiliation and kink, most of which is not allowed to be discussed in print, on most platforms.
Ebony Mindfuck Humiliation – Without Restrictions
If you wanna get real motherfucking wild with me, and explore ebony mindfuck humiliation, then you need to call me so we can have a conversation about your limits, my limits, your taboos, my taboos. My phone sex operator background includes working for a very popular no taboos phone line. I stopped doing taboo, because to be very honest, some of the kinks were so extreme, that after doing them long term you will need therapy.
Taboo Phone Sex
In otherwords some of you are very sick naughty puppies. To be frank though – and you can be tommy – I have some of my own taboo kinks, so while I get the allure, I also know that some callers go way too far with their bullshit. It’s the very reason I don’t offer race play, or submissive play, unless you’re paying a very large amount of money up front. I WILL do reverse raceplay and BNWO roleplays because while reverse racism doesn’t exist – no matter how hard yall envelopian motherfuckers try to make it a thing – it’s still therapeutic to me, to treat some of you like the fly covered dog shit that you are.
What’s My Price For Kinky Taboos
Before I get into the topic of this blog, which is Ebony mindfuck humiliation, let me just say that if you have a taboo you want to discuss, run it by me first. The price I charge for certain types of taboo is much more expensive even, than the price I quote for taboo humiliation. Which is exactly what I offer. The type of humiliation you won’t see described in print. For instance snuff and toilet play including scat.
The Sissification Feminization Fetish
Sissification is not just about being humiliated and transformed against your will, nor is it always about the hypersexual sissy who loves big black dick, even though those are popular tropes. What I find amusing about some of the newbie sex workers, is that they’ve been misinformed that using the term sissies is transphobic and harmful. Gender bending and feminization are forms of therapy for some trans people. The term is problematic because it is misused outside the BDSM community, and there is a lack of education on sexuality and kink.
Let’s talk about gender bending and sissy feminization.
Are Sissies And The Term Sissy Problematic
In short yes. What many people new to sex work will find – if they look past their ignorant noses – is that many phone sex and BDSM clients enjoy feminization as a healing modality. There are a number of “sissies” who are: closeted gay and bisexual men who like the fetish to explore their sexuality; closeted transgender women who refer to themselves as sissies or femboys and also want to explore gender and sexuality, and their fantasies; cis men – mostly white – who just really get off on being feminized, and may not yet know that they are trans, and end up discovering their feminine side through the fetish. Oops, now some of you hoes on twitter owe me an apology. This tweet about white males being transformed into sissies, from me (which was directed at the sissy/verbal humiliation subs), triggered a couple of entitled white women, who don’t know anything about the kink community. You’re welcome.
If you have ebony strapon and ebony tgirl phone sex fantasies, read this. And then call me 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732
Being Called A Nigger Is Far Worse – And Why I Don’t Do Raceplay
Yeah, pink elephant in the room, let’s talk about it. Some of the same people that find ageplay, sissification, and rape roleplay offensive, are perfectly okay with sissies and trans people tossing up spade symbols and saying the N word and calling themselves n word lovers and QoS. So miss me with the bullshit. My only real hard limit is raceplay. Because if you’re not paying me 25K and my medical/therapy bills up front you can get the fuck out of my face.
Ebony Mindfuck Humiliation And Extreme Femdom Taboos
To be honest I like hardcore BDSM, CBT and pain play, humiliation and degradation, and snuff. There’s something about the risk that gets your blood pumping doesn’t it? As you may have noticed if you’re searching for hardcore kinks some words are no no words in the land of adult platforms. The majority of which won’t even let you talk about many taboos, or without rewording them to avoid issues with banks.
My Blog Is Here For That Reason
And also as an informal education on kink. You’d be surprised to know this – if you didn’t already, that many people in the psychology field are Dominatrixes who know a lot about all the fetishes I just mentioned, and more. Because I’m limited by choice to what I post on Beyonce’s internet (LAUGHING) some things are better left to a paid session. I do use the term sissy and hypnosis and many others because I’m selling my goddamn wares and food and rent cost money.
Doing Sessions With A Hardcore BDSM Taboo Black Mistress
You have two ways to call me. The main one is Niteflirt. If you only want my clips and audios, my links are on the homepage of this blog. If anything I have said in this blog upset you, you can pay 2.99 per minute to bitch to me about it, otherwise yall don’t wipe my ass or pay my bills and therefore I don’t care. My Niteflirt moniker is Ebony Goddess Nicole. I’m a black MILF Mistress who loves talking about everything I mentioned above, and more. I’ll let you know what’s off limits on our call.
Phone Sex With Ebony Goddess Nicole
You can call in at 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732 or go to the Niteflirt phone sex site and connect with me there after entering your payment information. If you find this blog informative and enjoyable, you are welcome to send me a tribute on my cashapp (This option is NOT for services), or pay me through my platforms, including Niteflirt. I hope you’ll be a brave bunny and call me tonight. Until then…
Join Ebony Goddess Nicole for a gooning mindfuck. 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732 on Niteflirt
Is the gooning mindfuck real? Of course it’s real. You wouldn’t be reading this blog if you didn’t believe. Losing your head is a good thing. Ebony Goddess Nicole knows this. That’s why she makes lovely phone sex audio files specifically for programming people like you.
Gooning Mindfuck – Ebony Goddess Nicole’s Journey.. For You
You’ve been watching, hesitant to call, but definitely interested. So you started with the very first file Hypnosis doesn’t exist. You figured it would be harmless. At first you felt nothing. You read her blog, Is Hypnosis real? And then something very strange indeed, happened to you. The gooning mindfuck. One night you were horny, and you decided to try one of those gooning videos. That was all it took.
You Could Not Stop Yourself – The Gooning Mindfuck Took Hold
All you could hear and see were flashes of Ebony Goddess Nicole’s voice, her pixelated Ebony form, a voice telling you over and over to stroke. You began to realize that the title of her blog, Ebony Goddess Mindfuck, was no coincidence. This black woman knows exactly what she’s doing. You become addicted to the gooning mindfuck. And her voice, her audios, her videos, and finally, you can wait no longer, and you call her.
Ebony Goddess Nicole On Niteflirt
Who is the Ebony MILF HypnoDomme, who operates behind a virtual black woman’s avatar? Is she a real person or some strange catfishing fetish impersonator? The truth is, yes, I am a black woman in real life. No, I don’t share my personal real life identity with people online – because some of yall are weird. But if you notice if you follow me on social media and anywhere else: I am VERIFIED on all my platforms. And yes, even if you call me for phone sex on Niteflirt, my influence is far reaching. So why don’t you call me tonight, so we can get better acquainted, and I can give you a gooning mindfuck introduction you won’t soon forget. I offer phone sex, texting via Niteflirt chat or skype, and custom audios and videos. I do not do cam, for the aforementioned reason. Email me at nicole@ebonygoddessmindfuck.com for pricing. If you like my content and want to send me a vanilla tip or tribute, you can pay me directly by clicking the link (this option is NOT for services). If you prefer, you can tribute me on Niteflirt. My number and extension: 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732 on Niteflirt.