Is erotic hypnosis real or just a phone sex fantasy? And does an Ebony mindfuck really exist? Ask my callers, who enjoy when I get inside their heads. Experts will probably try to tell you that erotic hypnosis – or any hypnosis – is not real, and that it is as real as your mind makes it, and that no one can program you to do anything. I’d say they are either lying, or they are not as well versed in subliminals and NLP as I am. No, I’m not a certified hypnotist, I do not do parlor tricks with mind play. What I am is addictive, to the willing.
Erotic Hypnosis – Ebony Mindfuck
I chose the name and persona for my blog and social media, based on something I love doing. Ebony mindfuck is simply a way to describe a dominant black woman who enjoys mindfucking, and controlling you. Here is my theory on whether or not hypnosis is real. Trance is real. Most people go into trances several times a day without even knowing they’re doing it. If you think subliminals and mind programming are not real, pay attention to pop culture. Pay attention to repetitive patterns and trends. People are being programmed daily, in society, without even knowing it. This is not some conspiracy theory, I’m simply hip to noticing things that most of society is oblivious to. And they are oblivious because they’ve been programmed to be oblivious. Humans are docile creatures that are easy to manipulate, after all.
Why The Ebony Mindfuck Works
The easy answer would be that it works because you want it to work. If erotic hypnosis is your kink, you want to be brainwashed and controlled. You want the Ebony Goddess whose voice you’re listening to right now, to program you to do her bidding. And all I need to do is set the mood. I can already tell you that my influence will be inside you long after the audio ends. Long after our phone sex session ends, you will be addicted. But why is that? Is it just because it’s what you want? Or did you stumble upon the world of hypnosis for some other reason?
The Doomed Mind Of The Sleeper
What I can tell you is that if you’re reading this, there’s little chance of escaping my web. Even if you were aware of what’s been done to you and how, it would be of no consequence. You will still be my mindless slave, drooling and kissing my feet. Do you doubt me? Here’s a challenge for you, and since I’ve been away, an update of sorts.
Ebony Goddess Mindfuck – Erotic Hypnosis Audios
If you can’t catch me on the erotic hypnosis phone sex line, this is the next best thing. Because you can listen to it over and over again, on a loop, and be programmed as if I were right there with you.
Ebony Mindfuck – Assplay Programming
Ebony Mindfuck Cuckold Realization Visual
Ebony Mindfuck Himbo Hypnosis Training
Ebony Goddess – Sissy Feminization Mindfuck Hypnosis
So how does it feel knowing you’ve already been programmed, you’re already addicted to me, and you will continue to crave more? Do tell, I’m curious what my subject thinks… if you can think at all. Follow the links to purchase the above videos. And if you decide that you just can’t stay away, call me on niteflirt Ebony Goddess Mindfuck – Erotic Ebony Hypnodomme is my niteflirt listing for the best mindfuck phone sex of your life. Talk soon, puppet. *kisses*
Goddess Nicole
Ebony Goddess Nicole on Niteflirt
Ebony Goddess Mind Melt Podcast
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