The saga of me, The Ebony erotic hypnosis Femdom, continues. Hot on the heels of my Tribute Token blog, and shortly afterward, AVN Stars announced they are yeeting the monetization features on their site, and they will no longer be available after January 1st of this coming year. Oh.. they didn’t announce they were shutting down January 1st… until December 1st of this month.
Finding Ebony Erotic Hypnosis Femdom Content And Platforms Without Restrictions
Obviously this led to some very angry content creators, and a scramble to shift to a new platform. Hmm, sounds a lot like what happened with Only Fans a few months prior, when they announced no more adult content, then when they realized all the hoes were leaving and joining platforms like Fansly – which btw allows the use of the word Hypnosis – they quickly changed their tune and delayed the adult ban. Welp.. here the fuck we go again.
The Witch Hunt For Hoes Continues
I am saddened by the news, because everyone had really high hopes for AVNStars, the platform paid fairly, had a lot of nice features for content creators, and quite a bit of interest growing. I can also understand the upset, because why wait til a month before yall boot monetization to tell us?
Erotic Hypnosis On Niteflirt
As you know my main mode of hypno content is niteflirt. I do sell content elsewhere, however niteflirt has always been the best of both worlds for me in terms of phone sex and audio content. So right now if all else fails, Niteflirt is where you can find the majority of my content, and do calls with me. I am branching out into more platforms, though, and one would be the cryptocurrency based platform once available.
Loyal Fans And Fansly
Fansly you may have heard of in passing, when OF users heard they were doing away with adult content. Loyal fans is newer to me, and has some of the same features AVN’s site does. You can buy videos, host cam sessions, stream, and do voice calls, in addition to subscription services and tipping. I am in the process of moving my videos to LF, so that the videos that are on avn currently are not lost forever.
Support Ebony Goddess Nicole
Here’s what you can do, that will immensely help me. Number one: Follow me on Niteflirt, and buy my goody bags. Two: Join Tribute Token’s discord via my referral link. There are a couple of ways to promote them and you earn $Tribute in the process of doing so. If you wish to buy $Tribute cryptocurrency, the private sale is going on right now for Findoms and finsubs. You first need to join their discord, instructions on how to buy and how to earn are there, they will also help you set up your virtual wallet to buy crypto.
Buy Me BNB
If you wish to send me crypto directly, please email me and I will send you instructions to do so. BNB is how you will purchase $Tribute, and you can send me BNB directly to my wallet. You can buy BNB through the binance website. To send me BNB, Email nicole@ebonygoddessmindfuck.com I’m not going to lie to you, receiving crypto gives me a great thrill.
New Profile On Loyal Fans
The third thing you can do is subscribe to me on loyal fans. And the fourth is the same thing I always tell you to do: Subscribe to this blog and sub for push alerts, and subscribe to my Ebony Mind Melt podcast. And lastly if you’re looking for a live session, call me on Niteflirt. I suppose that’s all for now, I’ll see you around the Hypno-verse.
Ebony Goddess Nicole
Listen To The Ebony Goddess Mind Melt Podcast
Call me on Niteflirt 1-800-863-5478 ext: 12191732
One more thing, check out this Christmas audio I did with some of my Niteflirt friends and follow us on Twitter: